Short Course: Fundamentals and Applications of Mass Spectrometry

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Session I: Fundamentals of Mass Spectrometry in the Analysis of Protein Therapeutics
Session II: Applications of Mass Spectrometry to Characterize Biotherapeutics

Chris Chumsae, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Andy Mahan, Johnson & Johnson
Rich Rogers, Umoja Biopharma

The Short Course Session I and Session II will take place on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center and will be offered in-person only.

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Note: Registration for the short course is an additional cost not included in the conference registration fee. For additional information on pricing, view Registration Fees.

Click on the sections below for detailed information:


Program | September 10, 2024

08:30 – 12:00 | Fundamentals of Mass Spectrometry in the Analysis of Protein Therapeutics

Chris Chumsae, Bristol Myers Squibb-Company

This introductory course will provide an overview of the fundamentals of Mass Spectrometry, including the history of Mass Spectrometry, terminology, data interpretation and sample handling. We will include a discussion on modes of operation (parent versus fragment ion analysis), components of a current MS system, and selected applications of Mass Spec as it applies to protein analysis in the biotechnology industry. A discussion on software (basic interpretation and operation) will be presented along with a hardware discussion (strengths for various applications). A limited discussion on small molecule analysis will be presented. 

13:00 – 16:30 | Applications of Mass Spectrometry to Characterize Protein Therapeutics

Andy Mahan, Johnson & Johnson
Rich Rogers, Umoja Biopharma

The afternoon section will focus on practical industrial uses of Mass Spectrometry in the analysis of protein therapeutics as well as in Cell and Gene Therapy. The specific topics will be Intact Mass Analysis, Structural MS, Host Cell Protein ID and Peptide Mapping and Multi-Attribute Method and protein post translational modifications: detection and quantitation. The discussions will be driven by industry leaders. Two interactive segments will cover live data analysis demos of both Intact and Reduced Mass Analysis as well as Peptide Mapping Data Analysis in variety of vendors software products. 

This course will review the role MS has in newer therapeutic modalities such as multi-specific, antibody-drug conjugates, cell and gene therapy (AAV, oligonucleotides).  Additionally, there will be sections covering mass spec techniques which evaluate protein structure such as hydroxy radical foot-printing, cross-linking, hydrogen-deuterium exchange, top down and middle down methods and ion mobility. The increasing use of Native MS in the analysis if mis-paired Multispecifics as well as investigation of non-covalent interaction will be covered.  The 2nd part of the afternoon session focuses on Multi-Attribute Method (MAM), MS in QC, PTM quantitation as well as Sequence Variant Analysis and the role of MS in Cell Line Selection. 

Thank You for Joining Us

We appreciate your participation in Mass Spec 2024 on September 10-13, 2024 in Rockville, MD and hope you consider joining us for Mass Spec 2025 on September 23-26, 2025. More information coming soon.

Red orange background with hexagon molecules and text 'Symposium on the Practical Applications of Mass Spectrometry in the Biotechnology Industry September 10-13 Rockville, MD'

Volunteer for Breakfast Chats

Are you planning to attend, or interested in volunteering? We are looking for volunteers to provide diverse perspectives to the next generation of CASSS leaders. It is a great opportunity to become more involved in the CASSS community.

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