Agenda/Scientific Program

View the Scientific Program

The 2024 CE Pharm Symposium will bring together industry, academia, and regulatory agencies from around the world to discuss recent developments in capillary electrophoresis (CE) analysis of protein, nucleotide, and small molecule pharmaceuticals. Speaker presentations, panel discussions, roundtables, and poster sessions will give you the opportunity to engage with fellow attendees in meaningful discussions. We look forward to an informative Symposium and hope to see you there. Be ready to network, collaborate, and expand your knowledge.

Keynote Speakers

CE Pharm 2024 Keynote Speakers Neil Kelleher, Northwestern University, Robert Kennedy, University of Michigan

Click on the sections below for detailed information:
Keynote Speakers Bios

Neil Kelleher, Northwestern University

Neil L. Kelleher, PhD is the Walter and Mary Glass Professor of Molecular Biosciences and professor of chemistry in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences. He also is director of the 50-person Proteomics Center of Excellence, Director of the Chemistry of Life Processes Institute, and a member of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University. 

His research is focused in the areas of top-down proteomics, natural products discovery, and cancer biology. With >450 papers, Kelleher is a cross-disciplinary investigator with international impact in proteomics (the study of proteins).  Together with colleagues in a research consortium (, this emerging approach to measure proteins with complete molecular specificity is being advanced to improve the detection and assignment of function to protein modifications and complexes. Now with an H-index of 90, Kelleher has mentored over 52 Ph.D. students, >200 postdoctoral scholars, and >200 undergraduates. After a breakthrough Nature paper in 2011, Kelleher has continued to push the boundaries of proteomics, most recently culminating in a publication in Science (2022, 375: 411-418). Perspectives published by Kelleher and a consortium of like-minded researchers over the last decade articulating the value of proteoforms and a landmark project to map all proteoforms in the human body (Sci. Adv. 2021, 7: eabk0734) typify their thought leadership in a field seeing a new crescendo of interest and activity in the 2020s. This “domestication” of the human proteome via precise compositional mapping will improve the efficiency of basic and clinical research and therefore enhance diverse goals for the 21st Century, including designer organs, personalized medicine, and early detection of human disease. 

A serial entrepreneur, he has spun out successful companies and recently co-founded two new ones. His contributions have been recognized by multiple awards, including the Biemann Medal from the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, the Donald F. Hunt Distinguished Contribution in Proteomics award from the US Human Proteome Organization, the Pfizer Award in Enzyme Chemistry from the American Chemical Society, and a Searle Scholar Award.

Robert Kennedy, University of Michigan

Robert Kennedy is the Hobart H. Willard Distinguished University Professor of Chemistry and Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Michigan. He earned a PhD at University of North Carolina in 1988 where his work focused on using open tubular LC to analyze single cells. He then studied as a post-doc with Mark Wightman, also at UNC, using electrochemical sensors for monitoring dopamine release in brain slices and single cells.

In 1991 he started his own research program at University of Florida before moving to University of Michigan in 2002. His research has combined his interest in biology with chemical analysis, separations and microfluidics. A theme of his group has been development of new chemical analysis tools that can be used at the nanoscale for several applications including screening of drugs, engineering enzymes, monitoring neurotransmitters in the brain, and studying the secretion of insulin and other hormones. Key technical areas including ultra high pressure LC, droplet microfluidics, and mass spectrometry.

His work has been recognized by several awards including the American Chemical Society Award in Chromatography, the Ralph Adams Award in Bioanalytical Chemistry, two NIH MERIT awards, and the McKnight Award for Technical Achievements in Neuroscience. He has held several service posts including Department Chair and is presently Associate Editor of Analytical Chemistry and ACS Measurement Science Au. 

Short Course

Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis to the Analysis of Protein Therapeutics

Sunday, September 15, 2024
Cari Sänger – van de Griend, Kantisto BV 

This course will provide an overview of the fundamentals, modes, and selected applications of Capillary Electrophoresis (CE). The course concentrates on practical examples and case studies of the application of CE in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry. Although the focus is on (bio)pharmaceuticals, the principles apply for most quantitative CE methods.

The applications covered will feature current uses of CE in various areas of pharmaceutical development including process development and scale-up studies, product characterization, validated QC lot release, and QC stability testing. The main modes of CE that will be discussed include CZE, CE-SDS, CIEF, carbohydrate analysis, and CE-MS. Special attention will be paid to key operating parameters, good working practices, and daily maintenance.

After this course, you will have a good understanding on what happens inside a capillary during a CE separation. You will better appreciate what the critical method parameters are and have an increased knowledge of good working practices of CE.

Register Now

Note: Registration for the short course on Sunday, September 15, 2024 is an additional cost not included in the conference registration fee. Full-day registration will include breakfast and lunch. For additional information on pricing, view Registration Fees.

Call for Roundtable Volunteers
Are you planning to attend the CE Pharm Symposium and interested in getting more involved? Engage directly with your peers by volunteering as a scribe or facilitator for roundtable discussions. This opportunity allows you to make meaningful connections with our members and participate in open discussions on important scientific topics. Build the conversation today. The following roundtable topics will be discussed:

  • Analytical Platform Transfer: When and How Should it Be Done?
  • Building an Inclusive Knowledge Sharing Environment
  • CE Methods and Method Robustness - DOE Designing
  • CE/MS: Method Development, Application and Implementation in Biopharmaceutical Development
  • CE-MS in Regulatory Filings
  • CGE - Becoming the CGO Expert in Your Organization - Best Practices Exchange
  • Characterization of Single Peaks from CE Separations
  • Dealing with Imposter Syndrome
  • ICHQ14 and What it Means to CE Method Development
  • iCIEF - Becoming the CE Expert in Your Organization - Best Practices Exchange
  • Is High Throughput Always Better?
  • Lessons Learned from Audits: Best Practices Exchange
  • Life Cycle Management of CE Technology
  • Role of CE for Therapeutics Nucleic Acids: Gene Therapy and Vaccines
  • Technology and Application Advancements in CE

If you are interested in volunteering, please take a moment to complete our survey:

Submit Your Interest

Register Now

Save your spot for CE Pharm 2024 on September 15-18, 2024 in Costa Mesa, Southern California. Registration for in-person attendance closed September 3, 2024.

CE in the Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Industries 2024 September 15-18 Costa Mesa, Southern California

"It was very informative, and I got a lot out of it. As a first-time attendee, it was rewarding, and I'd like to attend again in the future!" 
Andrew McClain, CE Pharm 2023 Attendee
"A wide variety of topics, outstanding discussions, excellent networking opportunities, and a great atmosphere." 
Göran Huebner, CE Pharm 2023 Attendee